Basketball Fitness Basics

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Great basketball players are known for their remarkable athletic abilities that combine strength, speed, endurance, and agility. Basketball fitness basics consisting of various types of exercises designed for optimal conditioning are necessary to ensure that these athletes are in perfect playing shape. Combining sprint training with weights and plyometrics training will help improve a player's vertical leap, speed, and acceleration on the hard court.
Strength Training - To increase muscle strength necessary for more dynamic movements and the ability to use rapid bursts of power, a base of absolute strength must be developed. Absolute strength is simply the amount of force a particular group of muscles can exert in just one movement. This is one of the basketball fitness basics necessary for improving overall muscle strength over a period of time and can be achieved through power lifting exercises (heavy weights with low number of repetitions.)
Plyometrics - This form of exercise incorporates strength and speed in whole-body movements. For plyometrics training, squat jumping and lateral box jumping, among others, can be done. These exercises are intended to develop both strength and speed. This can prove to be particularly useful in making that explosive first step in executing a killer crossover move ala Allen Iverson.
Exercises to Improve Vertical Leap - Whether for jump shooting, laying up, dunking, blocking shots, or for rebounding, a basketball player needs a good vertical leaping ability in order to perform well. In addition to plyometrics, power-lifting exercises including snatch, clean, and jerk, can help develop this necessary basketball tool as they enhance the lower body strength.
Endurance Training - Running on the court is one thing that basketball players do most. There are basically two methods you can do to develop your endurance - by running long distances at a slow, deliberate pace, and by sprinting. Long distance running can help improve your cardio while sprinting will contribute to the development of explosive and dynamic power, cardio, and speed, which are all essential for a basketball player.
Safety - Basketball fitness basics and the more advance training methods must not be overdone. When trying to build absolute strength, it is important to make sure that you start lifting weights appropriate to your current abilities then gradually increasing the weight. Big jumps can cause injuries. Likewise, proper lifting positions must also be observed in order to avoid straining your joints, muscles and tissues. In between training days, you must provide your body enough time to rest and recover.
Visit Syracuse for more information on college basketball, including Syracuse University sports and gear.
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